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Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work - Rethinking Five Beliefs that Erode Workplace Motivation

Traditional motivation efforts prompt us as leaders to ask if our people are motivated. But really the question is why are our people are motivated. Because in truth, you can't motivate people—they are already motivated (but generally in superficial and short-term ways.)

So how do we go past the old-school methods of motivation, including incentives and rewards, and cultivate a culture of employee commitment and performance? When we look around the conference table at the weekly staff meeting, we see an array of behaviors and personalities. How do we understand what motivates each and every one of them?

The answers can be found in this brand-new audio presentation, "Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work: Rethinking Five Beliefs that Erode Workplace Motivation". Top consultant, trainer, and coach, Susan Fowler, uses the latest scientific research on the nature of human motivation to help leaders understand how they can guide their people towards the kinds of motivation that not only increases productivity and engagement but gives them a profound sense of purpose.

In just 60 minutes, she’ll show you how to move people away from dependence on external rewards and discover how their jobs can meet deeper psychological needs – resulting in meaningful and sustainable motivation.

In this powerful audio presentation, you will learn:

  • What is the precise psychology behind how humans are motivated – including a detailed description of the three psychological needs we are all driven by: autonomy, relatedness and competence
  • What is day-to-day optimal motivation
  • The spectrum of motivations: the six motivational outlooks. This will include the difference between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation and their vastly different implications
  • The surprising fact that motivation is really a skill – and how to strengthen it
  • The motivational dilemma: How leaders are being held accountable for motivating their employees
  • The difference between high-quality and low-quality motivation
  • What a sub-optimal motivational outlook is
  • A discussion about gamification – and how this applies to motivating today’s Millennials and others

So while you can’t motivate your employees, you can cultivate a workplace that moves them in their own motivational direction – one towards success for the both of you. And when you join us for this audio presentation, you will get a model and powerful course of action to do just that, helping you to bring out the best in—and for—your people.

Presented By:

Susan Fowler

Susan Fowler has 30 years' experience as a researcher, consultant, and coach in over 30 countries around the globe in the field of leadership. As an expert in the field of personal empowerment, she is the lead developer of The Ken Blanchard Company's Optimal Motivation product line, as well as Situational Self Leadership, their best-of-class self leadership and personal empowerment program.

Susan is the bestselling co-author of three books with Ken Blanchard: Self Leadership And The One-Minute Manager, Leading At A Higher Level, and Empowerment. A catalyst for growth, Susan also authored the audio programs Overcoming Procrastination and Mentoring. She is a Senior Consulting Partner at The Ken Blanchard Companies, and a professor in the Master of Science Leadership Program at the University of San Diego.

Price: $119.00
