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How Good Managers / Supervisors Get the Best out of People

Solving The Employee Training, Motivation & Retention Challenge

Current and future labor shortages will continue to drag down your growth, performance and profitability. What do successful managers know that average managers do not when it comes to employee training, retention and motivation to grow their employees present and potential strengths?

By implementing a solid and well thought out development process, they can drive productivity up by almost 40% - at very little cost. The bottom line will improve by instilling an attitude of high achievement and recognition in various formats.

This teleseminar can put you and your team in the passing lane!

You will:

  • Learn the 5 fundamental qualities of leadership that inspire and engage your talent
  • Understand the 2 main reasons employee leave and how to remedy it
  • Identify the problem of toxic bosses and their impact on retention
  • Learn what really motivates employees - how to find out and support it
  • See how to reduce turnover along with a quick introduction to trust and the generations
  • Adopt the top 8 supervisor skills necessary to lead and develop your people
  • Review the 3 courses that you must have a great working knowledge of
  • Utilize the most critical attributes necessary to take you and your people to greatness
  • Discover the secret to significant continuous improvement through the 1% concept

Presented By:

Bruce Lee

Bruce is a strategist, speaker, productivity coach and MC. His passion is working with individuals and organizations to enhance their leadership results and individual productivity through focused educational workshops of implementation of the concepts and strategies that will improve the bottom line, increase market share and employee and customer loyalty and retention. As a former business owner and having been involved in 4 businesses from a good cross section of industry, Bruce brings a hands on approach to employee and customer satisfaction. Each presentation includes a variety of additional resources and tools after to support the training and measure skill levels.

Price: $175.00
