Your Best Just Got Better: Powerful Leadership Strategies to Be More Effective and Efficient at Work and in Life
“Do you have a minute?”
“Can you take a look at something really quick?”
“Have time for a quick meeting?”
You likely have daily interruptions just like these that can derail your productivity and leave you thinking, “I was busy all day, but what did I accomplish?”
But it’s not as easy as simply filling your day with tasks and checking them off at the end of the day. Being productive is about so much more than just being busy all day long. In order to effectively make changes in your life, in order to become more effective and more efficient, you must know where you are now. What is working? What can be improved? To accomplish what’s important to you in the 1,440 minutes you have every day, you must determine where to direct your attention.
In this training digital download, Jason Womack, best-selling author and of one of America’s top 100 thinkers in productivity, will show you how to master the keys to daily productivity, giving you serious momentum and propelling you towards your goals.
In just 60 minutes, you’ll learn the tools and systems needed to get more of the right things done, faster and easier. With Jason’s practical strategies, you’ll start achieving your objectives and implementing time management skills and habits immediately.
If you feel overwhelmed by everything you could be doing; if you feel isolated, thinking you’re the only one working this hard…this teleseminar is for you!
You’ll learn:
- How to ensure you have a clear vision to move toward the results you need
- What it means to have a “focus-to-finish” mindset and how to develop one
- How your actions may be not only derailing your productivity, but that of your team (and what to do about it!)
- The 2 keys to daily productivity and how to master them
- How to set your own pace for success
- Strategies to reduce work-related stress and enhance life/ work balance
Presented By:
Jason Womack
Jason Womack is an internationally sought after speaker and advisor who invests his time, energy and focus serving as an agent of change. Known for his ability to think 18-36 months ahead (and more, if the client organization is willing), he is an advisor and consultant to companies and governments, the author of blogs, articles and books on productivity, business performance and teams managing through rapid change.
With over 20 years of education and operational experience, Jason has been involved in the creation and transformation of leadership programs, company learning and development curriculum and “think-tank” type discussions directed to the most important aspects of prioritization and focus in the workplace.
Jason has spoken for companies in 12 different countries and has spent time lecturing for universities on 2 continents while developing and presenting corporate learning curriculum worldwide. He was first chosen as one of America’s top 100 thinkers in productivity in 1997, and his most recent book, Your Best Just Got Better, achieved best-selling status within 5 weeks of being published in 2012.
Price: $175.00