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Agreeing to Disagree: Tackle It and Move Forward

What’s annoying you at work? Are the minor daily conflicts on your team or in your department starting to pile up and reach their limit—and you’re not sure how to manage them without making them much worse?

Is conflict at work getting in the way of productivity, and wasting your time? Big or small, it is sucking the life out of the party. This audio presentation will give you the answers to get over these hurdles that are keeping you from achieving success—and squashing all the noise.

Are you sometimes uncomfortable using your own authority and holding people accountable? Are you a first-time Supervisor who’s suddenly supervising your friends? Is everyone mad at you—and you’re not sure why they are being this way?

There’s a term for judging how smart someone is about dealing with difficult and awkward situations—it’s called emotional intelligence. And just like any other form of intelligence, it’s crucial if you want success.

Research shows again and again that people who have a higher EI quotient are better at:

  • Making good decisions—even under demanding conditions
  • Building strong relationships with peers, subordinates, and superiors
  • Making people feel at ease
  • Balancing personal life and work
  • Making Quicker Decisions with Confidence
  • Confronting problem employees

In other words, they have the skills to be able to do better and go farther in life—personally and professionally.

The good news? Emotional intelligence can be taught, learned and developed—which is exactly what author and speaker Chuck Wolfe does in this fantastic new audio presentation. Join Chuck as he walks you through what EI is good for—and how to develop and use it in your everyday interactions and tense situations.

Chuck is well-qualified to teach emotional intelligence. He has worked side-by-side and sat on panels with the pioneers of the EI concept, including Peter Salovey, provost of Yale; Reuven Bar-On, author of the world’s most popular EI assessment; and of course, author and journalist Dan Goleman, who popularized EI in the 80s.

Chuck also created and hosted his own two-hour radio talk show called, “The Emotion Roadmap: Take the Wheel and Control How You Feel.” And now, he has taken his signature methods and unique perspective on emotional intelligence and combined them into one power-packed presentation, where you will learn how to handle all of life’s emotionally challenging situations with confidence and ease.

If you’re feeling trapped or stuck, or you see productivity falling, take back control. There is a better way—a better path for opening up communication and not being intimidated by awkward situations and conflict.

Learning Objectives:

  • What does it take to manage conflict more effectively?
  • How different values and expectations impact conflict
  • How miscommunication and misunderstanding make conflict worse
  • Taking back the power—how managing emotions effectively can lead to conflict resolution
  • The Emotion Roadmap that can improve your ability to prevent conflict

Charles Wolfe
Charles J. Wolfe Associates, LLC

Charles (Chuck) Wolfe is a leadership consultant who is an expert in emotional intelligence. Other specialties include executive coaching, organization and individual behavior, change management, leadership and team development, and performance management. His professional career includes working as a counselor and therapist, research associate for organizational behavior in Harvard Business School’s Executive Program for Management Development, Director of Organizational Behavior and Leadership for Exxon, Director of Leadership Development for Hartford Insurance, and since 1994 he has led his own consulting business, Charles J. Wolfe Associates, LLC. His clients include healthcare organizations, financial services, manufacturing, hospitality and gaming industry, military, government, schools and universities. His practice is global and he has had courses that he has created translated into multiple languages including Spanish, French, German and Mandarin and taught all over the world.

His work in emotional intelligence at Kaiser Permanente, Philips, Marriott, and AIG is viewed as world class. He is featured in a CRM Learning video on Emotional Intelligence along with Dan Goleman and Peter Salovey, President of Yale University. He is the creator of his own radio talk show on public radio called The Emotion Roadmap: Take the Wheel and Control How You Feel. The show combines helping listeners deal with emotionally challenging situations with interviews of people from all over the world who have something important to say and share that relates to our understanding of emotional intelligence.

Why CTR Audio Presentations Are Right For You:

  • Fast, convenient learning without any out-of-office time
  • The audio file can be shared with your entire company
  • No travel-related expenses or complications.
  • Start Listening Right Away! No CD to wait for in the mail.
  • The audio presentation can go straight into your LMS. The perfect way to train as many employees as you like. Since you are allowed unlimited usage of the download, you can provide to your whole department!
  • If you are dissatisfied, you are entitled to a complete refund. No Risk.

Price: $175.00
