Managing Change Resisters: The Keys to Motivating and Gaining Buy-In from Your Most Resistant Employees
When employees resist change, it causes you, your team and the organization big problems.
Morale takes a beating as change resisters’ negativity and constant arguing wears down other employees.
Productivity plummets because the change resisters spend their time focused on fighting the change rather than doing their work. Additionally, you and other employees waste too much time dealing with a change resister’s arguments, complaints and lack of action.
Conflict escalates. Change resisters cause commotions with their outbursts or become argumentative with coworkers. Minor disagreements turn into fights, breaking down communication and teamwork.
As a leader or manager, you often face the task of implementing changes in the workplace, so it’s also up to you to tackle change resistance head on—before it damages your team.
In this audio presentation, we will look at the common reasons people resist change and discuss strategies leaders can use to manage and reduce change resistance. Learn how to:
- Recognize the active and passive signs that people are resistant to change.
- Identify common reasons behind resistance to change.
- Communicate change.
- Gain buy-in by including several key components in your message.
- Determine which levers you should pull to turn resisters into promoters.
- And more!
Presented By
Dr. Katherine Grabar
Dr. Katherine Grabar is founder and president of Covington Consulting Company. Her background includes over 10 years of technical and leadership roles in Fortune 500 Companies. Katherine brings a unique blend of reasoned problem-solving and intuitive insight to all of her projects. Her skill set covers both the “hard” and the “soft” side of doing business. In addition to her work as a research scientist, Katherine is a certified practitioner of Six Sigma problem-solving and process-improvement methodology. In the “soft skills” arena, Katherine has developed and led coaching initiatives and delivers training in teamwork skills and conflict resolution. She utilizes Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Enneagram in her work.
Price: $149.00