Stop Managing and Start Leading: Learn the keys to empower and inspire others – without drama and frustration!
Team leaders often tend to respond to challenging times by over-managing and under-leading. Too many leaders hide behind their proficiency at logistics, budgeting, and cost-cutting (the “small picture”) and hope that somehow the overall vision (the “big picture”) will fall into place. How does managing vs. leading manifest itself in the workplace?
- Managers focus on rules and processes. Leaders focus on strategy and vision.
- Managers force people to meet goals. Leaders motivate employees to meet goals on their own.
- Managers control the day-to-day functions of the job. Leaders empower their people to succeed on their own terms.
- Managers get people do to what needs to be done. Leaders inspire people to want to do what needs to be done.
If you want your employees to believe in your vision—and commit to doing whatever it takes to succeed—you must stop putting so much time into managing and instead focus your efforts on leading.
Learn how to move beyond “just managing people” to leading them to greatness during this fun and engaging 60-minute “Stop Managing and Start Leading” presentation with acclaimed speaker and author Cy Wakeman.
You’ll walk away with the knowledge to:
- Lead first, manage second.
- Inspire, motivate and engage your employees.
- Bullet-proof employees so that they can succeed despite the circumstances.
- Empower staff to exceed your expectations.
- Recognize and praise action over opinion.
- Accept change with a simple “Good to Know.”
- Check and test your assumptions.
- Fight the urge to always be right.
- And so much more!
Presented By:
Cy Wakeman
Cy Wakeman is a dynamic national keynote speaker, business consultant, New York Times bestselling author, and trainer who has spent over 20 years cultivating a revolutionary approach to leadership. Grounded in reality, Wakeman’s philosophy teaches people how to turn excuses into results and transform unhappy employees into accountable, successful members of the workforce. Through her prolific work with companies such as Bayer, New York Presbyterian, National Institutes of Health, Hallmark, Verizon Wireless, TD Ameritrade, and Wells Fargo, Wakeman has helped eliminate tired, impersonal management techniques in favor of a reality-based revolution.
Wakeman’s professional journey began when she was promoted to her first management position in the late 1980’s. Rather than forcing ineffective, traditional management practices into her workplace, Wakeman began developing and teaching her employees a reality-based mindset. What she found was inspiring – her employees were not only motivated to succeed, but they were also driven to deliver results, adapt to change, and emanate happiness on the job. Inspired to help others transform their company and their work, Wakeman began consulting and training. Today, she visits more than 200 companies each year, empowering employees and executives alike to take control of and invest in their work.
Wakeman’s acclaimed new book, The Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace, shows employees how to calculate their true value to their organization. With an original formula for measuring current performance, future potential, and “emotional expensiveness” – the toll an individual’s actions and attitudes take on the people around them, Wakeman shows employees how to become invaluable team members and learn to love their jobs again.
An expert blogger on and, Wakeman’s ideas have been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The New York Post, and on She has written two books, Reality-Based Leadership: Ditch the Drama, Restore Sanity to the Workplace, & Turn Excuses into Results (Jossey-Bass; 2010) and The Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace: Know What Boosts Your Value, Kills Your Chances, & Will Make You Happier (Jossey-Bass; 2013).
Price: $175.00