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The Influential Leader: Powerful Persuasion Techniques to Help You Influence & Empower Others

Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Tony Robbins, and Oprah.

Persuasive.net lists these powerful people as the most persuasive people on the planet.

And although you may think it is their position, prestige, and fame that makes them so persuasive, you don’t have to be rich, powerful, well known, or well-connected to be a powerful persuader.

What characteristics or qualities make a person persuasive?

Is persuasion a gift or a skill . . .an art or a science?

As a leader, you can’t do everything yourself, and you can’t make people do things. In the end, your effectiveness and the organization’s success depends on your skill in persuading others.

And when we understand persuasion and work to infuse our communication with passion, we will become more effective and more influential.

In this audio presentation, Kevin will help you understand why persuasion is so important and how to make it happen!

In just 60-minutes, you will:

  • Get a clear understanding of what persuasion is
  • Clear up a few misconceptions about persuasion
  • Learn to consider others’ perspective
  • Consider six specific strategies you can apply immediately to help you persuade with greater passion!

To be a successful leader requires that you can influence other successfully — after all, you can’t control other people’s behavior or choices, only influence them. And more than just for leadership – To be effective at nearly any endeavor in life requires cooperation and gaining agreement from others.

At the end of this hour with Kevin, you will be motivated, and equipped to help others adopt new attitudes and perspectives and influence successfully!

Presented By:

Your Presenter: Kevin EikenberryKevin Eikenberry
Chief Potential Officer
The Kevin Eikenberry Group

Kevin Eikenberry is a world renowned leadership expert, a two-time bestselling author, speaker, consultant, trainer, coach, leader, learner, husband and father (not necessarily in that order).

Kevin is the Chief Potential Officer of The Kevin Eikenberry Group, a leadership and learning consulting company that has been helping organizations, teams and individuals reach their potential since 1993. Kevin’s specialties include leadership, teams and teamwork, organizational culture, facilitating change, organizational learning and more.

Kevin’s philosophy in business and in life is that every person and every organization have extraordinary potential. Investments of time, energy, focus and money are required for that potential to be realized. He believes learning is an active, ongoing process, not a passive, one-time event. Learning, work and life should be fun; and, if we are doing it right, work (and learning) is play.

He has worked with Fortune 500 companies, small firms, universities, government agencies, hospitals, and more. His client list includes the American Red Cross, A & W Canada, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company, John Deere, Purdue University, Sears Canada, Shell, Southwest Airlines, the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Mint, Verizon and many more.

He is the bestselling author of Remarkable Leadership: Unleashing Your Leadership Potential One Skill at a Time; Vantagepoints on Learning and Life; LeadershipTweet: 140 Bite Sized Ideas to Help You Become the Leader You Were Born to Be; and the co-author of From Bud to Boss: Secrets to a Successful Transition to Remarkable Leadership. Kevin also has been a contributor to thirteen Training and Development Sourcebooks since 1997.

Price: $175.00
