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Smart Move! Decision-Making Skills for Results

“In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”
- Theodore Roosevelt

Decision-making is a key role of any manager and leader.  And many of us find this to be one of the most difficult tasks to perform.  We have a fear of failure and one of two things can happen, we either put off making the decision in the hopes that someone else will make it for us, or even worse, we make a decision using a knee jerk reaction.

In today’s fast-moving world, we are often under pressure to act immediately, rather than take the time to evaluate the situation and think things through completely. Not only can this lead us to a wrong conclusion and poor decision, but it can also cause conflict with other people, who may have drawn different conclusions. However, when we learn how to make timely, well-considered decisions, we can have a greater impact and lead our team to success.

In Decision-Making for Results, we’ll look at ways to be more decisive, support the decision making process of others and examine when we should decide or when, as leaders, we should engage and/or empower others to make decisions.

Each of these areas is important for us individually and in building commitment and engagement of our team. We will explore these dimensions and help you create the right balance of these factors.

Whether you call it a bias for action, being decisive or having a willingness to try, once you master this skill, you’ll be able to think, decide and act with confidence no matter the environment or situation!

We’ll cover:

    • The five barriers to organizational decisiveness
    • The different styles of decision-making and how to select the right one in the right situation
    • Seven ways to be more decisive
    • Five ways to build decision making skills in others and groups
    • Balancing personal decisiveness with engaging and involving others

Presented By

Kevin Eikenberry
Chief Potential Officer
The Kevin Eikenberry Group

Kevin Eikenberry is a world renowned leadership expert, a two-time bestselling author, speaker, consultant, trainer, coach, leader, learner, husband and father (not necessarily in that order).

Kevin is the Chief Potential Officer of The Kevin Eikenberry Group, a leadership and learning consulting company that has been helping organizations, teams and individuals reach their potential since 1993. Kevin’s specialties include leadership, teams and teamwork, organizational culture, facilitating change, organizational learning and more.

Kevin’s philosophy in business and in life is that every person and every organization have extraordinary potential. Investments of time, energy, focus and money are required for that potential to be realized. He believes learning is an active, ongoing process, not a passive, one-time event. Learning, work and life should be fun; and, if we are doing it right, work (and learning) is play.

He has worked with Fortune 500 companies, small firms, universities, government agencies, hospitals, and more. His client list includes the American Red Cross, A & W Canada, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company, John Deere, Purdue University, Sears Canada, Shell, Southwest Airlines, the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Mint, Verizon and many more.

He is the bestselling author of Remarkable Leadership: Unleashing Your Leadership Potential One Skill at a Time; Vantagepoints on Learning and Life; LeadershipTweet: 140 Bite Sized Ideas to Help You Become the Leader You Were Born to Be; and the co-author of From Bud to Boss: Secrets to a Successful Transition to Remarkable Leadership. Kevin also has been a contributor to thirteen Training and Development Sourcebooks since 1997.

Price: $175.00
