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Navigating the Challenges of Delivering Critical Feedback

An important part of management's responsibility is related to giving critical feedback. Even healthy relationships can bring about disagreement, hostility, indifference, embarrassment and a host of other feelings and emotions. Therefore, managers and supervisors must be able to give as well as receive critical feedback. It's not easy to do; many people would rather avoid confrontation, especially at work. But these skills can be learned. This webinar is about delivering difficult feedback that is paramount to a leader's success!

Criticism facilitates growth. If used properly, criticism is used to encourage improvement, not to remind people of their failures. The ability to engage in tough criticism is something every leader must strive to do well. Honesty is a core value in any strong organization. The goal of feedback is always to help employees understand what they did wrong, receive recognition for what they did right, and learn the correct way to handle difficult situations as well as increase their desire to improve.

Learning how to provide honest feedback can make the difference between a successful business and one that struggles to keep top talent and survive for the long term. On the other hand, if you are on the receiving end of critical feedback, do your best to listen and maintain an open mind. Shutting down, losing your temper, or ignoring what your critic has to say can only hurt you in the long run. Join senior HR professional, Carol Hacker and learn how to strengthen your feedback skills. This fast-paced presentation includes how to:

  • Communicate in the helping spirit
  • Anticipate negative reactions
  • Apply the 6 “Musts” for delivering critical feedback
  • Use a step by step approach for making critical feedback successful
  • Get the most from an action plan
  • Always attack the problem and never the employee
  • Soften the impact of your criticism
  • Avoid 10 common mistakes when giving critical feedback
  • Respond to criticism when the tables are turned and you are the recipient

Presented By

Carol Hacker

Carol Hacker is the former Director of Human Resources for the North American Division of a European manufacturer, Employee Relations Manager for the Miller Brewing Company, and County Office Director for the US Department of Labor. Carol has been the President and CEO of Hacker & Associates, a management consulting and seminar company since January 1989. She specializes in teaching managers, supervisors, team leaders, HR professionals, business owners, and executives how to meet the leadership challenge. She's the author of over 400 published articles, scores of audio CDs and 14 books including the bestseller, Hiring Top Performers-350 Great Interview Questions For People Who Need People. She earned her BS and MS with honors from the University of Wisconsin.

Price: $175.00
