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How to Develop and Engage Millennial Job Hoppers

How do you handle Millennial Job Hoppers? Do they sometimes drive you crazy with their need for self-fulfillment, entitlement, conflicts with your dress code or meaningless fashion statements, and demand for constant feedback and attention?

Do they think nothing of leaving you without notice for “green pastures?” Like it or not, the youngest generation is changing the workplace and if you sometimes feel like you’re in need of a cultural overhaul, you’re not alone. Join senior HR professional, Carol Hacker, for a high-content presentation on a timely topic. Highlights include how to:

  • Manage Millennials who have hit the glass ceiling when it comes to raises and promotions.
  • Develop and maximize the talents of your younger staff..
  • Apply management training and business etiquette programs to groom future leaders and get younger workers ready to represent your organization with the professionalism that you need.
  • Look past and accept the differences between Millennials and the rest of your workforce population.
  • Make their work environment welcoming by including the FUN FACTOR.
  • Deal with employees who don’t want to pay their dues.
  • Be aware of itchy feet and their need to leave you for greener pastures.
  • Manage Millennials with a need to self-manage without turning them off.

Presented By

Carol Hacker

Carol Hacker is the former Director of Human Resources for the North American Division of a European manufacturer, Employee Relations Manager for the Miller Brewing Company, and County Office Director for the US Department of Labor. Carol has been the President and CEO of Hacker & Associates, a management consulting and seminar company since January 1989. She specializes in teaching managers, supervisors, team leaders, HR professionals, business owners, and executives how to meet the leadership challenge. She’s the author of over 400 published articles, scores of audio CDs and 14 books including the bestseller, Hiring Top Performers-350 Great Interview Questions For People Who Need People. She earned her BS and MS with honors from the University of Wisconsin.

Price: $99.00
