Gossip, Gab and Destructive Behavior: How to Neutralize A Negative Workplace Environment
Approved for Recertification Credit Hours Awarded: 1 Specified Credit Hours: HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™, SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute's® (HRCI)
Organizations can’t afford this type of behavior to go unchecked. Bad attitudes sabotages the performance of those it is directed at, destroys moral, lowers self-esteem and reduces teamwork. Left unchecked,
your silence about it, means consent – and that is the last thing you want to get across. Gossip is not okay at any time, but you can use it to improve performance and accountability as a result of dealing with it.
This session will show you how to neutralize the gossip as soon as you hear of it and put a system in place to ensure it does not re-occur, starting with that of Zero Tolerance and workplace reprimands. You will see that some people always tend to engage mouth without their brain, and you pay the price.
The destructive effects of blaming others and passing the buck needs to be tamed. In this audio conference, you will learn how to take control and tame this disruptive behavior.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand why people want to ‘push buttons’ by their off-side comments.
- Learn how managers inadvertently reward negative behaviors.
- Identify the steps you need to do to keep total control of the situation
- See how to turn around the gossip, gab and the grapevine to create more empowered employees.
- Identify which topics should not be talked about at all at work.
- How to stop the rumor mill before it gets started – transparency.
- Learn to focus on behavior and not attitude.
- Put ‘S.A.M.” to work for you, high expectations, acknowledgement, motivation.
- Learn how to coach people to better performance.
- Techniques to use when employees blame others or deny responsibility.
BONUS: A complimentary test to measure the behaviors that matter!
Presented By:
Bruce Lee
Bruce is a strategist, speaker, productivity coach and MC. His passion is working with individuals and organizations to enhance their leadership results and individual productivity through focused educational workshops of implementation of the concepts and strategies that will improve the bottom line, increase market share and employee and customer loyalty and retention. As a former business owner and having been involved in 4 businesses from a good cross section of industry, Bruce brings a hands on approach to employee and customer satisfaction. Each presentation includes a variety of additional resources and tools after to support the training and measure skill levels.
Price: $175.00