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Why Good Leaders Learn from Their Mistakes: Learn How to Turn the Inevitable Mistakes Into Leadership Learning Opportunities

It’s been ingrained into our heads since childhood -- in order to succeed, we must avoid making mistakes.

And unfortunately because of this mentality, we live and act every day in ways to prevent our mistakes – not taking risks or expanding our comfort zones and never thinking outside of the box for fear of failing.

But the fact is, humans are created to make mistakes and when we do, there’s no better way to learn than by leverage the rich learning opportunities found in them.

History shows innumerous innovative persons who made mistakes, studied, and learned from them, resulting in life-changing products. (Consider Thomas Edison; he experienced 1,000 “mistakes” before he produced a working light bulb!)

In fact, studies show that leaders become more confident, innovative, and increase overall performance when they learn from their mistakes.

Successful leaders can identify that they’ve made a mistake, admit to the mistake, and learn from the mistake, taking the opportunity to analyze and implement needed changes that result in success.

And you can too!

Join Kevin Eikenberry, world-renowned leadership and learning consultant, as he delves deeper into the “mistake-free” leadership thinking and why it inhibits growth. He’ll discuss why mistakes can be good in organizations, and introduce attendees to an innovative, successful leadership approach to dealing with mistakes in the workplace.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this 60-minute webinar:

  • How to recognize the key differences between good mistakes and bad ones
  • How leaders can (and why they should) encourage mistakes
  • Why perfectionism robs organizational results
  • How to use mistakes to build (not tear down) confidence
  • Techniques for transforming mistakes into learning – a failsafe process
  • How to create and foster a “positive mistake” culture

When you start acknowledging mistakes and using them as learning opportunities, you create a more collaborative organization with confident and creative leaders.

Join us for this brand-new webinar and discover how you can become a better leader by making mistakes, as well as how to encourage your team to utilize their own mistakes for innovative, successful organizational success!

Presented By

Kevin Eikenberry

Recently named one of the Top 100 Leadership and Management Experts in the World by Inc.com, Kevin Eikenberry is a leadership expert, two-time bestselling author, speaker, consultant, trainer and coach.

Kevin is the Chief Potential Officer of The Kevin Eikenberry Group, a leadership and learning consulting company that has been helping organizations, teams and individuals reach their potential since 1993. Kevin’s specialties include leadership, teams and teamwork, organizational culture, facilitating change, organizational learning and more.

He has worked with Fortune 500 companies, small firms, universities, government agencies, hospitals, and more. His client list includes the American Red Cross, A & W Canada, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company, Cirque du Soleil, John Deere, Purdue University, Sears Canada, Shell, Southwest Airlines, the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Mint, Verizon and many more.

He is the developer of the several training workshops including Remarkable Leadership, Remarkable Coaching, Bud to Boss and Communicating for Results – all offered in both public and in-house versions across North America.

He is the author of the bestselling books From Bud to Boss, Remarkable Leadership and Vantagepoints on Learning and Life, and a contributing author to more than 20 other books. He publishes four electronic newsletters and a popular blog, Leadership & Learning, collectively read by more than 80,000 people worldwide.

Price: $175.00
