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Successful Negotiating: People Skills, Communication Strategies and Tactics

Everyone would like to get a better deal when negotiating, be it for a new vehicle, new job or a business transaction, but they don’t feel confident in asking for what they want. Be it a buyer–seller, labor–management, landlord-renter, company resources–budget problem, or interdepartmental infighting issues, this session will show you how to ensure it is a win/win process for you and the other party. Be it for bargaining, settling differences, coming to quick agreements or stopping conflict, the strategies shown here will help you succeed at work, home and in your community work.

If you have ever wondered how so many sports and special interest groups get such good deals that seem unfair to you, it is because they know the top strategies of how to negotiate. They go in prepared, have options, are aware of what is going on for the other side, and take the lead.

This audio presentation will show you:

  • How to enter the negotiation session with a winning strategy
  • The three sides to every negotiation you need to be aware of
  • Steps to prepare beforehand to ensure success
  • The best characteristic to show the other parties
  • 6 power approaches you can use in each session
  • How to set up a negotiation meeting
  • 7 tactics to close the deal
  • Signs of strength and weakness in a meeting
  • What to do when the negotiating starts to fail
  • Using the telephone as a strategy before the meeting

Presented By:

Bruce Lee

Bruce is a strategist, speaker, productivity coach and MC. His passion is working with individuals and organizations to enhance their leadership results and individual productivity through focused educational workshops of implementation of the concepts and strategies that will improve the bottom line, increase market share and employee and customer loyalty and retention. As a former business owner and having been involved in 4 businesses from a good cross section of industry, Bruce brings a hands on approach to employee and customer satisfaction. Each presentation includes a variety of additional resources and tools after to support the training and measure skill levels.

Why CTR Audio Presentations Are Right For You:

  • Fast, convenient learning without any out-of-office time
  • MP3 file can be shared with your entire company
  • No travel-related expenses or complications.
  • If you are dissatisfied, you are entitled to a complete refund.

Price: $175.00
