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The Profitability of An Engaged Workforce: How To Engage, Motivate and Inspire

When an employee knows that what they do for your company every day, regardless of their position in it, really matters, that it makes a difference, is important, and are recognized for it, their individual productivity level can go up by up to 40%. And it can be maintained.

Every organization needs fully engaged, caring, committed and empowered employees in order to grow the business, improve the measure of customer satisfaction and maintain your world class reputation. There is a direct link between employee satisfaction and customer retention.

Accountability with engagement equals profitability. With the right skills, education and encouragement, you will build and sustain champions for current and new projects to grow the company. If you are suffering from the ‘productivity puzzle,’ the slowing of employee productivity in spite of improved technology, this will boost the results.

In this presentation you will learn:

  • the 3 cornerstones of a culture of engagement
  • how to inspire and motivate employees through soft skills
  • the three questions to stop your good talent from leaving
  • share the ‘5 Questions Survey’ to identify the holes in your leadership team
  • identify the five levels of engagement – where do your employees stack up?
  • adopt the 4 Imperative to K.E.E.P. your employees and grow their capabilities
  • see how to change the current culture challenges to a desired culture of growth
  • adopt a theme of “We are the customer experience.”

Presented By:

Bruce Lee

Bruce is a strategist, speaker, productivity coach and MC. His passion is working with individuals and organizations to enhance their leadership results and individual productivity through focused educational workshops of implementation of the concepts and strategies that will improve the bottom line, increase market share and employee and customer loyalty and retention. As a former business owner and having been involved in 4 businesses from a good cross section of industry, Bruce brings a hands on approach to employee and customer satisfaction. Each presentation includes a variety of additional resources and tools after to support the training and measure skill levels.

Price: $175.00
